Once again they did it, once again apple has changed my point of view things. When they just launched the iPhone I remember I was one of the first ones in Barcelona to get one even when they had not arrived yet to our city and we used to import it from the US. I was the owner of an iPhone just for one week. I liked nothing, i didn't like the touch screen nor the iOS operative system. I switched again to the old cell phone which I was in love with. Nevertheless after three years I decided to give a second chance to Apple's best seller: the iPhone 4. And I have to admit that I changed the opinion that I had at that time about tactile smartphones even though is difficult to compare both. The new iPhone was far the first one that I got.
I recently changed my opinion again. I remember when the first iPad was launched I criticized it as I saw it as a whim more than a useful tool. I barely could see something worth behind the 500 dollars you had to pay for it. I remember that i just saw it as a big iPhone and i wondered if i had already one why I had to buy an iPad. But once again I did it, i though that so many people could be wrong and when I was in the US last summer I bought the iPad 2. And have to say that is one the greatest gadgets that I've ever owned. It's obvious that we don't need most of all the things that we are used to live with, but everybody knows that with them around us our lives are pretty much easier. So I began downloading apps and soon I discovered all the things that I could do with it. I just don't understand to all those people that are not able to find utility to the iPad. I've been motivated to write this after a conversation that I had today with my friend Marta. I'm gonna relate a random weekday to understand how achieves the role of being part of my routine.
I just begin everyday waking me up with an alarm app that is set automatically every day. That perfect for people who doesn't want to have the cell phone next to them while they are sleeping. Then I put some music and I begin to read for ten minutes the most important news . I use an app like zite app that automatically gives to me the news that are more interesting to me. I just need to give to the app my interests and it automatically the ones that are worth to read. And folks, let me say that I have no idea how but it really works. After that I just do some cardiovascular training with the jumping robe while I hear Ibiza global radio app my favorite station while I'm training. Then i take a shower and I have the breakfast while I hear to one of the thousand interesting podcasts that I have available for free. I usually use downcast app which allows me to control the speed so I easily can hear 1 hours speech in 30 minutes or less. Lately I use it to learning French listening to some of the hundreds adapted courses that they offer or hearing some entrepreneur people who gives advices, the possibilities are unlimited. Before going to work I check my tasks list with taskslist app which allows me to know easily what I have to do. Now i work one minute far away so I don't have time to do it but when I was going to the school, I used iBooks to read some of my favorite books in the subway. I love to read and I discovered precisely this passion since I have the iPad, I also like to begin to read at the same time several books so the iPad it's perfect because I can store all of them and then just decide which one i feel like to read. When I come back home to have lunch I just use epicurious app which shows me thousands of easy and fast recipes. Then while I'm eating I use the stumbleupon app. That should be probably the best app that I've ever seen. It's much more easier to discover by yourself but for the ones who have never heard about, it's a site where you introduce your tastes and interests for example, trips, wellness, cars, fashion, cooking... And it automatically bring to you the best Internet sites about that. I discover everyday lots of new sites. Most of them are really useful. I also take advantage of my lunch break to watch my favorite tv series that I have previously downloaded in the laptop and I stream directly from the laptop with some app like vlc stream without the necessity of having them in the iPad . In the evening I always call someone using FaceTime . To end the day I used to read and before falling asleep I put the iPad next to me to get it ready for the next day...
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